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Use the least amount of money to generate electricity on your balcony

Use the least amount of money to generate electricity on your balcony

According to a German zdf report titled "Fuer kleines Geld eigenen Strom erzeugen" (Use a little money to generate electricity on your own balcony), many residents in Germany generate electricity on their balconies. These residents do not have single-family houses, that is to say, they do not have access to A separate roof is used for solar panels. However, there are also special solar equipment installed on the balcony, which can also generate electricity by itself (selbst Solarstrom erzeugen). What’s more, these devices are getting cheaper.

In Germany, "generating electricity on balconies is almost free: small power plants are getting cheaper. Currently they are even tax-free. This can pay off quickly. But there are also things to consider."

“Photovoltaic equipment is affordable for everyone and costs less than 500 euros: “For example, one discount store advertises its ‘steckerfertiges Balkonkraftwerk’ (steckerfertiges Balkonkraftwerk). It is speculated that the unit can save 'up to 360 euros in electricity bills per year'.

In Germany, these small balcony power generation equipment are called Mini-Solaranlage, Plug&Play-Anlage or Balconkraftwerk, and, "starting from January 2023, The purchase of these solar equipment is tax-free. Therefore, the strong growth in demand for these equipment is likely to continue.